Black Library Stories

Story Title Sort descending Author Protagonist Factions Antagonist Factions
Midnight Rotation Dan Abnett
Mind-stealer C L Werner
Mindshackle Robert Rath
Miracle at Berlau, The Darius Hinks
Miracles Nicholas Wolf
Misbegotten Dan Abnett
Missing in Action Dan Abnett
Mission: Annihilate Gav Thorpe
Mission: Purge Gav Thorpe
Mistress Baeda's Gift Braden Campbell
Mistress of Threads, The John French
Moment of Cruelty, A Phil Kelly
Monastery of Death Charles Stross
Monsters Noah Nguyen
Moon-Mines of Sciara Lone, The Danie Ware
Morkai's Breath Josh Reynolds
Mormacar's Lament Chris Pramas
Mortal Fuel Richard Williams
Mortarch of Blood David Annandale
Mortarion's Heart L J Goulding
Mortarion: The Pale King David Annandale
Mortis John French
Mother of Fire David Guymer
Motherlode Nick Kyme
Mountain Eater Andy Smillie
Mountain's Call, The Graeme Lyon
Mournclaw Ben Galley
Mourning in Rainhollow Dave Gross
Mourning Tower, The David Annandale
Mourning War, The David Annandale
Mouth of Chaos, The Chris Dows
Mud and Mist John Goodrich
Mug of Recaff, A Sandy Mitchell
Murder in Marienburg, A David Bishop
Mutant Master, The William King
Myriad Rob Sanders
Nadir Noah Nguyen
Nagash Immortal Mike Lee
Nagash the Sorcerer Mike Lee
Nagash the Unbroken Mike Lee
Nagash: The Undying King Josh Reynolds
Nagenhof Bell, The Jonathan Green
Necessary Evil Rob Sanders
Necromancer Jonathan Green
Necropolis Dan Abnett
Nefarious Antipustulent of Clan Morbidus, The David Guymer
Neferata Josh Reynolds
Negavolt Nicholas Wolf
Nemesis James Swallow
Nepenthe Cassandra Khaw